はい。こちら秘書室です。Your PA's diary

初めまして!ユウコクレアと申します。ふと気分転換したい時、企業戦士として社会でご活躍される皆様の癒しの時間の提供を、秘書目線で語ります。Hi, I'm Yuko Claire. This blog is for your relaxation.

本日は、3連休前です。明日のお休みの自動設定の準備オーライですか? It's 3-day weekend from tomorrow! Did you set an Auto reply ready?













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We have 3-day weekend, from tomorrow. Outside was quite hot, the temperature rose up to 21℃. We don't need to wear a heavy jacket today!! 😃 Have you set your Auto reply ready, for tomorrow out of office notice? 



I wear this clothes today! I run my company, but I'm also an artist! I love going out by these lovely outfit❣️ How do you like it? ☺️ I say I'm an artist, because I play "crystal singing bowl"✨✨✨And for my work, I do something like scheduling, document creation, etc. 😉😉So, I do still have someone's PA minded. ☺️And I'm considering to provide secretarial service, as well. (Well, to be honest,,, I still have plenty of free time...desire more business opportunities. Please contact me, if you are looking for someone to assist your work! 😃)



So, 3-day weekend, hopefully is not only for your family. You deserve quality time, peaceful, relaxing time for yourself! I'll update my crystal singing bowl performance over the weekend, that I hope you get a chance to enjoy, be mindful. You can also look me up during your private, toillette time doing your personal business!!! No matter how busy you are, you always can create time, out of nowhere!!! Please give a special respect for yourself, as you work tremendously hard, for your company and for your family and children, or for yourself! If noone appreciates your hard work? Me, Yuko Claire will give you big applause, good work cheer, for your hard work!!


Have a great long weekend!!!

See you again!!! 


Yuko Claire

















寒桜が満開、ソメイヨシノも開花しましたね。Sakura began to bloom!







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I have an impression for busy business people, don't usually pay much attention to beautiful flowers, when walking along the street. That's what I noticed, when I worked as a telephone English teacher. 


You may be able to find lovely baby pink flower petal cherry blossoms, at this season.☺️Also there are many beautiful spring flowers blooming!! You can flower view here, by sneak a peak, during your work!!! 💁‍♀️🌸🌷


When cherry tree fully blooms, who would you like to meet? Who do you miss the most???🌸🌸🌸












プロフィール: 元外資系外国人付役員秘書、日本人社長付PA、電話英会話講師。海外経験長く帰国子女。TOEIC910点保持。イギリス英語、アメリカ英語両方共に流暢。フランス語が好き。現、本業は株式会社を起業、クリスタルボウルを使ったマインドフルなリラクゼーションサービスの提供を主にしています。企業戦士向けな10分セッションからございます。しかしその裏では秘書、総務、経理、小口、大口現金管理、資産管理、受付から掃除のお姉さんまで、全て兼任しております。^^ あなたのリラックスのためのブログの登場です。主に企業戦士としてご活躍の男性の皆様向けと、させて頂きます。 どうぞ、宜しくお願いします。


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Hello, I'm Yuko Claire. This is your PA room. Please stop by whenever you would like to relax. I'm an ex PA for foreign company executive, Japanese CEO's PA, also have an experience worked as a Telephone English Teacher. I am currently running my own company. I still have Executive Secretary minded, that I'd like to provide you for your relaxation, something relaxing to watch, to look at, chat, share comments, etc. for your precious refreshing moment. ^^ Thank you for your attention, and connection. By Yuko Claire