はい。こちら秘書室です。Your PA's diary

初めまして!ユウコクレアと申します。ふと気分転換したい時、企業戦士として社会でご活躍される皆様の癒しの時間の提供を、秘書目線で語ります。Hi, I'm Yuko Claire. This blog is for your relaxation.







1. )猫さん宅とサロン宅と2台購入した、フィルター交換なし、ふくだけの簡単お手入れメンテで、バクテリア制菌、除菌、ハウスダスト、ダニ、花粉、PM2.5、ウィルス除去、してくれる超静動な、空気清浄機の働きぶりを公開します。





サロン到着 → モンダミンでうがい → メディカルハンドウォッシュ → ハンドクリーム

モンダミンは、殺菌効果、少しでもイガイガアウェイ対策、かなり有効で、私に欠かせないアイテムです☝️ 鼻うがいも、薄めてやると、爽快感もMAXです。





4.) モンダミンの手土産









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You hear about Covid-19 panic around the globe, everyday these days. Which area the new cases reported, how many number of fatality... etc. I am highly concerned abt the Olympics. Which is important, killing people pandemicly for mass number of people who participated in watching, or sporting, or finance? 

Finance is also very important, but I'd assume PM Abe would loose his credibility amongst the world leaders, as well as against people, if they decided to execute...


I have implimented such ways to protect from any causion to come into my office salon. 


1.) Air purifier, which kills bacteria, jerms, PM 2.5, virus, house dust, mite, etc. I first wondered how it works, as it has absolute no sound, when you turn it on!!! Only slight air comes out, but the result of I used for a month,,, OMG! I'm so glad, I bought this machine! Look at this! It works so hard!!! Thank you!



When you arrive to my salon, I'll take you to my powder room, where you can wash hands with medicated liquid, gargle with Japanese medicated mouth wash liquid. I highly recommend this Japanese mouth wash, which can be very refreshing. 



Aroma steamer. This bear, aroma steamer works not just for the fluid hydrate, I put aroma oil, such as Eucalyptous,  Tea tree, Orange, blended aroma, etc. Those oil extract would help your immune system being balanced. 



Japanese mouth wash give away gift. If you find some annoying uncomfortableness for your throat, plz gargle with this blue liquid, on your way back. It's important to keep yourself fresh, away from any kind of virus. 


Thus, I work hard on protection side. I ask you to postsone, if you had any slight caugh, annoying throat, slight fever.

What do you do for protecting from such virus?


To stay away from such virus, it's best to balance well of your immune system. Quality sleep, well balanced food, less stress, etc. The sound of crystal singing bowl also helps greatly! Will share the review some other time. 

Please take care. 

Yuko Claire