はい。こちら秘書室です。Your PA's diary

初めまして!ユウコクレアと申します。ふと気分転換したい時、企業戦士として社会でご活躍される皆様の癒しの時間の提供を、秘書目線で語ります。Hi, I'm Yuko Claire. This blog is for your relaxation.

集中のための音源、チベットティンシャ、怒り、不安、理不尽な目に遭った傷も成仏 Tingshaw for mindful relaxation













I recently bought this Tibet instrument "Tingshaw" for my mindfulness sound lab, and I found out that there is an effect for "focus", "anxiety release", "anger release", "deep sleep". 

It's small, but quite heavy and the bell sound is very beautiful. Zen spirit. It will absolute refresh your mind!!!

Irecommend you to listen by your headset, by reasonable sound volume. 
It rings quite sharply, that please make it soft volumn, but if it's too soft, it might make you fall asleep, that please be careful, when setting the volumn. 


I made this Audio video, due to heal the earth, by being thankful. As, I wondered why such global level of emergency pandemic COVID-19 occurred in 2020. Urgently I thought we should be more thankful to the earth, what can I do to appreciate the earth, as we have massive number of materials the earth makes us, be able to consume. It makes us think, we live on a great world. But, do we ever appreciate it ???




Let us pray for the earth. With the healing sound of Tingshaw. By Yuko Claire